Cannabis Edible potency Calculator

Calculate the potency of your cannabis edibles with this simple calculator.

Enter the amount of cannabis you are using to infuse butter, oil, milk, etc.


If your cannabis has a THC content of 25%, type 25

How much of the activated ingredient will you use in your infusion?


This is the amount of mg of THC in the entire extract.

Enter the amount of infused tablespoons your recipe calls for (1 cup = 16 tablespoons)


Enter the total number of pieces or portions your recipe will make (e.g., 12 brownies, 8 cookies)

THC mg per Serv

Decarboxylation doesn't have 100% efficiency and it typically 70-90%. This means about 10-30% of potential THC is lost. This is a rough estimate on your edible potency.

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